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Life Skills Development

Personal and social skills needed by everyone in daily living. [NALT]

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Making Decisions

Cooperative Extension aims at providing science-based information to help various clientele groups make better decisions. EDIS publications here include basic introductions to decisionmaking using force-field analysis and an economic approach to valuing information; strategies for making financial decisions as a family or resolving ethical issues within a coalition; and 4-H curricula for developing decision-making skills in youth.


The determination of the objectives or goals of an enterprise and the selection, through a systematic consideration of alternatives, of the policies, programs and procedures for achieving them.

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Counter the Summer Slide with 4-H Resources

Melinda SouersMay 30th, 2024The summer school break has begun, and most students are happy to stop thinking about learning and focus on fun instead. The debate may be ongoing regarding summer academic loss but most educators agree that engaging kids in hands-on activities over summer creates opportunities to spark their interests and reinforces academic learning. (Brookings, 2017) Consider […]

The Importance of Record Keeping in 4-H

Gus KoernerMay 29th, 2024Record keeping is a vital skill taught by 4-H, extending beyond the program year. Members are encouraged to pick methods that suit them, highlighting their goals, achievements, and plans. Benefits of Accurate Record-Keeping Learning to keep accurate records can greatly benefit youth later in life, aiding in money management, checkbook balancing, or business operations. Record […]

4-H Clubs and Events Encourage Youth To Learn Life Skills

Gus KoernerMay 22nd, 2024All of the programs, projects, and events in our 4-H program are intended to encourage youth to learn life skills. For example: in our fair, we encourage record keeping; in archery, we teach personal safety; and in our camps, we practice cooperation. Life Skills The main goal of the 4-H program is to help young […]

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