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Cultivo de coles

El cultivo de coles incluye: brócoli, coles de Bruselas, repollo, coliflor, col rizada, kale, mostaza y nabos


Chapter 6. Cole Crop Production

CV122/HS724by Bonnie Wells, Hugh A. Smith, Lincoln Zotarelli, Peter J. Dittmar, Nicholas S. Dufault, Johan Desaeger, and Qingren WangAugust 22, 2023Chapter 6 of the Vegetable Production Handbook.

Kohlrabi—Brassica oleracea L. (Gongylodes group)

MV086/HS619 by James M. StephensNovember 1, 2018

Nematode Management in Cole Crops

NG024/ENY-024 by Z. J. Grabau and J. W. NolingJanuary 12, 2021

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