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Restoring Balance: Replacing Mother of Millions with Gallberry

Kalan TaylorMay 7th, 2024In the intricate tapestry of ecosystems, the introduction of non-native species can often have devastating consequences. One such example is the invasive plant species known as Mother of Millions (Kalanchoe x houghtonii). Originally from Madagascar, this succulent has spread rapidly in various regions, outcompeting native flora and disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems. However, there […]

Weekly “What is it?”: Stormwater Detention Vaults

carriestevensonApril 25th, 2024In August 2005, large swaths of Biloxi, Mississippi were underwater. In particular, Main Street and historic New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church—0.7 miles from the coastline—were inundated with 12 feet of floodwater. While the levee failures and desperation in New Orleans grabbed most news headlines after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, storm surges in coastal Mississippi reached an […]

Weekly “What is it?”: Wetland delineation

carriestevensonApril 17th, 2024Wetlands are beautiful, important, and valuable components of our ecosystems. But for a long time, they were considered little more than insect-riddled cesspools, places devoid of worth. While not everyone fully appreciates wetlands’ many contributions to human and planetary health, state and federal laws do outline protection for these fragile systems that surround us. But […]

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